Kevin Lanni

Software Engineer who loves to hack on software and hardware for fun. Organizer of @az-webdevs community.

Popular Projects

Popular software that I've built.

Simple git-hook integration for your gulp workflows.
:hotel: Convenient menubar UI for
Ingress Agent Community ID Badge Creator
Handle Slack invite requests like a SIR
A tiny commandline tool for parsing JSON from any source.
Ingress helper commands for Hubot
Migrate packages from bower.json to package.json

Active Projects

Software that I'm currently working on or have recently updated.

A tiny commandline tool for parsing JSON from any source.
Ingress helper commands for Hubot
glex — g(it) l(og) ex(plorer) — Interactive git log
gdex — g(it) d(iff) ex(plorer) — Interactive branch compare
gsex — g(it) s(tash) ex(plorer) — Interactive git stash
:hotel: Convenient menubar UI for


Topics that I am currently studying.